The disruption of COVID has brought stress to an all-time high. Research prior to COVID found rates of anxiety, depression, and burnout rising exponentially. The increase of these statistics has accelerated disproportionately in the wake of COVID-19, its social upheaval, and economic fallout. We are globally confronted with unprecedented uncertainty, with the labour market and economy facing existential questions about the future of work. A rethinking of our cultural and personal management of stress has not only been long overdue but is now critical.
The data has shown us that the consequence of an ‘always on’ workplace culture of presenteeism and leaveism with a pervasive use of technology, has been met with a proliferation of mental health issues, coming at the expense of our well-being, longevity, and economy. A 2017 U.K. study elucidated that the cost of poor mental health now lies at £42 billion per year, with an ROI of £5 for every £1 invested in mental health. Companies pioneering stress management with large-scale initiatives see the highest return on investment and a positive innovation of workplace culture.
This program reframes our cognitive and somatic response to stress, re-establishing our means of self-regulating. The course utilizes tools from positive neuroplasticity, cognitive behavioral therapy, yogic thought, and meditation combined with biofeedback to create a state-of-the-art intervention for stress. By modifying the limbic system, with the added component of heart rate variability, BRAVO teaches us how to find the appropriate physiological response for the context we’re in.
What we hope to teach you during this course is that your brain is not a static mainframe, but in an infinite cycle of creation or neurogenesis. The brain you have today is the result of the thoughts you have had in the past. In light of this, we hope that this course will help you shift your paradigm, develop resilience, and bring more mental repose into your here and now. The microcosmic improvement of the individual is the foundation with which we can expand into a future vision of happier and more person-centered workplaces.
To help you make the most of your Stress Reset and Resilience Training course, we have included comprehensive literature to help you understand the content and the philosophy of our program. Some explain the anatomy and psychophysiology of the stress response, some come from the world of athletic peak performance, and others from the world of yoga and meditation. A brief introduction is included for each item to guide your reading. Enjoy!